Friday, August 20, 2010

Keyboards with Flixel.. my moving ship.

Okay.. we will be continuing from the previous tutorial of clowness clownship. Now where were we? Ahh.. lets see.... we have the ship on screen (Better read the previous tutorial if you are a bit on the blurr side.... Previous Tutorial)

On this tutorial what we are gonna achieve is :

- Import bitmap into the game Done
- Add the imported bitmap as a sprite to the game Done
- Extend the clownship class (Adds more functionality to the Clownship class)
- Taking care of keyboard presses
- Introduction to movement
- Checking for boundaries so that our ship does not go beyond the viewable area

Meanwhile flash has moved to CS6 ... nah not yet as far as I know... still stuck with CS5. Anyway we are using Flash Develop so the only concern is the Flex SDK ... really... no really... really really...

Back to the codes... your directory should look as below.

Note the 3 files...


The sets up the entire flash player and calls then creates a new ClownShip instance called cship.

Below is the code for


import org.flixel.*;

public class ClownShip extends FlxSprite

[Embed(source = "data/clownship.png")] private var ImgShip:Class;

public function ClownShip()



Yet again the code for

import org.flixel.FlxState;

public class LoadMeShip extends FlxState
private var cShip:ClownShip;

public function LoadMeShip():void

cShip = new ClownShip(100, 100);

Wait a minute... it's not the same as the previous example... what's with the cShip = new ClownShip(100,100);
It was cShip = new ClownShip(); before.

Well my furry friend, let me introduce you to these things called parameters... what we are doing here is passing in 100 and 100 again as parameter numero uno no 1 and no 2 to the ClownShip. This also means that our previous has to be modified to accept and use those parameters.

It's like when you get an aiskrim icecream for free you don't pass any money to the seller. The seller don't even need to count the money... but when you purchase the icecream with money, the seller has to have the ability to count the money.... whatever... what kind of sick example is this?

The entry point (constructor) to the class is the function which has the similar name to the class name.
Previously on X-Files we have ...

public function ClownShip()

as the entry point (constructor... get used to the term constructor cause this is widely used by people that talks funny...)

To make it able to accept parameters we need to add it in the function declaration...

public function ClownShip(x:int)

Note the x:int. This means accepting 1 parameter named x of type integer (32-bit signed integer). Yes you need to declare what kind of parameter this bozo constructor is accepting. But wait... there are 2 of them.. 2 jedi knights? Now there are 2 of them!
So us having a higher plain of intelligence will quickly deduced that the constructor should look like this...

public function ClownShip(x:int,y:int)

Get it? I do hope you do. Now loadGraphic has been explained about a million times in the previous tutorial so I am not gonna go into that.

Ok now you can accept 2 parameters into the constructor, now what? The 2 parameters from cShip = new ClownShip(100, 100); is actually the X and Y coordinates where we want the ClownShip to appear, so within the ClownShip main function we call "super(x, y);". It should now look like this...

public function ClownShip(x:int,y:int)
super(x, y);

Wha? super? What the? Ok I think we need some words about the "super" function.
Here goes...

Long ago in a galaxy far far away.. the hope of freedom ..

Now which class was ClownShip extended (derived) from? Any answers? Yes.. the FlxSprite class... (from the "public class ClownShip extends FlxSprite") so whenever we call "superman", it simply means that we are calling the superclass's constructor...
which in this case is the constructor function of FlxSprite, which is

"public function FlxSprite(X:Number = 0, Y:Number = 0, SimpleGraphic:Class = null)" from the file.

No don't look into the just look into the documentation that comes with Flixel. From there you will also find out that the first and second parameter passed into the super corresponded with the X and Y coordinate of the created instance.

Okay so now "super" simply means referring to the parents (extended from) object. You can even call the parents object's function / method ... lets say you wanna call the "update" function from FlxSprite.. you can simply call "super.update();" which you are gonna use in the near future. :D

So I hope you pretty much get the idea of "super". While "duper" simply means calling the grand...

Now we are going to add a function which Flixel calls each game loop, the ultimate most important function of them all the "update" function. Now if you look into the FlxSprite there is already an update function which has been inherited into the class so why do we need to add it somemore?

You are right.. it has already been inherited but then we wanna modified that update function to add in listeners for keyboard strokes so we want to override it's parents update function. How are we gonna do this? Well we use override...

override public function update():void {

What this means now is whenever Flixel calls the update for the ClownShip... it totally ignores the one it inherited from the FlxSprite and goes straight into the overrided one above. Overrided? Is this even a word? Should it be overrode or overlord or something... all hail Starcraft! SO far it does nothing...

We need to fix this. We need to add something to it... we need the

override public function update():void
x -= 3;

FlxG.keys contains the keyboard stuffs you are looking for. To test for the left arrow key presses the "FlxG.keys.LEFT" is used
So here we are telling if the LEFT key is pressed we need to minus the x coordinate of the ClosnShip by 3 pixel making it move to the left by 3 pixels.
x -= 3; is the same as x = x - 3; It was implemented long ago during the Mayan time
Now which is what key as what who where?
Simple... in Flash Develop, when you key in FlxG.keys. ->upon hitting the "." after "keys", a whole list of keys will appear for you to choose so you don't need to remember what key as what who where.

Now cater for RIGHT, DOWN and UP...

override public function update():void {
x -= 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.RIGHT)
x += 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.DOWN)
y += 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.UP)
y -= 3;

Now run the game... tadaaa... you have keyboard control of the ship :D Yeah it goes beyond the viewable boundaries so we add...

if(x > FlxG.width-width-4)
x = FlxG.width-width-4; //Checking and setting the right side boundary
if(x < 4)
x = 4;

if(y > FlxG.height-height-4)
y = FlxG.height-height-4; //Checking and setting the right side boundary
if(y < 4)
y = 4;

This should stop it from going beyond the boundaries with a 4 megapixel margin :D

The final should look like this..

import org.flixel.*;

public class ClownShip extends FlxSprite
[Embed(source = "data/clownship.png")] private var ImgShip:Class;

public function ClownShip(x:int)
super(x, y);
override public function update():void {

x -= 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.RIGHT)
x += 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.DOWN)
y += 3;
else if(FlxG.keys.UP)
y -= 3;

if(x > FlxG.width-width-4)
x = FlxG.width-width-4; //Checking and setting the right side boundary
if(x < 4)
x = 4;
if(y > FlxG.height-height-4)
y = FlxG.height-height-4; //Checking and setting the right side boundary
if(y < 4)
y = 4;

You should now have some idea about "super" and the all important "update" function which is called each game loop.
Also important is the concept of parent and child function overriding :D

The end product should look like this ...

That's about it this time :D This is turning out to be an introdution and understanding of classes and stuffs rather than game programming... hmm... well next time we are going to look into Flixel specific variables like Speed, Acceleration, Drag and how to handle multi key presses which you already know :D from the code above hehehe


David said...

Cheers, very useful...

Anonymous said...

Very nice, thanks!

WinterGlass said...

Glad you like it :D Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Everything is explained. Great tutorial, thanks