Tuesday, November 4, 2008

AS3 07 – Classes, your best friend

I graduated from UPM, a local University in Malaysia and one thing that really frightens me is I actually graduated without much knowledge about classes in programming. We didn’t really have extensive classes about classes (or maybe I didn’t pay much attention) and the few classes I remembered didn’t really put much effort in classes. Hah! Maybe it’s a class of it’s own. Ok enough rubbish. They did teach about classes, just that I didn’t really think it was THAT important.

I tried to picked up Flash AS3 since last month after I bought a dummies book after the 3D demo on balls flying around got me interested and like most others.. downloaded some codes and view at them in awe and decided never to look at programming ever again. Well, we can’t cheat to learn. To learn something is to understand how it is and to understand how it is, is to spend some time with it. If you are not following this with hands-on practical, most likely you will be missing out something…

We are now at tutorial 7. We started with placing movieclips, symbols and instances in Flash, getting the input from keyboard, moving objects around based on frame and time. All these were done within the frame in the timeline. We didn’t even bother renaming ‘Layer 1’ hahahaha…

Not that it is a bad thing to start with but as you progress along the lines of insanity, you might want to confuse the readers into giving up their leisure time to do this…, you will notice the codes starts to get a little cluttered and if this continue, it will get ugly pretty unmanageable. For someone who actually read this far, I guess you must have realized that I am buying time to figure out what to write the next step is to invite in your best friend, Rudy from Hitz… ‘classes’. What are classes in terms of programming? You can get the answer by googling it. What I introduce here is how it can benefit you in Flash AS3. Let’s just redo the entire thing from the beginning but this time with classes involved.

Create a new Flash File (ActionScript 3.0). Copy over the myShip symbol (the movieclip type you see in your library section. extensively referred to as clownShip in previous tutorials) Leave the timeline alone as we are not going to touch that. Now create a new ActionScript file (as shown below).

Name it AS307.as. It a big white empty space for you to write scripts in. Now go back in the main Flash File, in the document properties section create a link to the ‘AS307.as’ by typing in the Class as ‘AS307’ which is the filename of the ActionScript file we just created. It should look like this…Class : AS307 with the myShip in the Library.

Run the test movie. It’s a blank file so nothing is there. Go back to the ActionScript AS307.as file. It’s blank. Yeah.. I repeated twice.. Let’s write out our first class.

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class AS307 extends MovieClip{

If you run the test movie, it’s still a blank screen. What we did here was a bare minimum for a class declaration. Each class starts with package{} for the class. Within the package we need to import predefined items which we are going to use…. Example if we are to use the textbox functions within the class, we need to write in

import flash.text.*;

For the time being, importing the flash.display.* should be sufficient. Within the package we declare the class name. The class name we declare here must be similar to the filename of the .as file. We named our file AS307.as so the class name is AS307 not very interesting isn’t it? Now we need a constructor… what’s a constructor? It’s a function that runs whenever the class initializes, that means whenever it starts. The constructor must have the same name as the class while the destructor has a ~ in front… wait… wrong language… so the code should look like this.

Filename : AS307.as

package {
import flash.display.*; //Importing all display related…

public class AS307 extends MovieClip{

public function AS307(){ //Constructor
trace('Hello world again');


I put in a trace statement so when you run the test movie, you should see ‘Hello world again’ in the output window. Let’s extend this and put in the clownShip at the same time takes out the trace statement.

Filename : AS307.as

package {
import flash.display.*;

public class AS307 extends MovieClip{

public function AS307(){
var clownShip:myShip = new myShip;


Run the test. Your clownShip should appear at coordinates (0,0) like below.

Well what happened was we created a variable (var) named clownShip of type myShip with …

var clownShip:myShip = new myShip

…then we add it into the scene / stage with the addChild().

Now we are NOT going to tell the clownship to move to the near bottom middle like what we used to at AS307.as. Why? Because it’s not the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) way. Wow am I actually saying this? We are going to create another class for the myShip and then define whatever we need about the ship there. This should include an input of the start coordinates.

Create another ActionScript file and named it myShip.as (save it as myShip.as). This will automatically be referenced to by the myShip object in the library. How? Go back to the main flash document AS3-07.fla. Notice the myShip we copied from the previous projects in the library section? Right click it and choose to view its properties. Under ‘Linkage’ look at ‘Class’, it shows ‘myShip’. This is also the class filename for that particular symbol.

Now in the myShip.as file, code in the class and all those silly stuffs. It should look like this

import flash.display.*;
public class myShip extends MovieClip{

Again we need to import the flash.display.* because we are extending the functionality of myShip from the MovieClip class which is actually part of the flash.display.* class. Am I saying it right? Please correct me if I am wrong as I am constantly thinking of Red Alert 3 Why MovieClip? There are actually 2 obvious options for this. First we created the myShip as a movieClip symbol so basically we are extending from there. Second one might ask why not extending it from ‘Sprite’? Why? I don’t want to that’s why… stop asking… Actually it’s because I intend to add animation frames in the timeline to the myShip in the future. ‘Sprite’ is simply movieclip minus the timeline. So for the time being, let’s just use movieclip. We add a constructor function which receives an x and y coordinates and a few lines to make the ship appear at the bottom middle. ‘this’ in this context refers to the myShip.

import flash.display.*;
public class myShip extends MovieClip{
public function myShip(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

Note I have 2 parameters that needed to be passed into the constructor function. This means whenever I create / initializes the myShip, I need to pass in 2 items, the x and y coordinates. So lets go back to AS307.as and alter the script a little. Put in

var clownShip:myShip = new myShip(stage.stageWidth/2,stage.stageHeight - 40);

replacing the

var clownShip:myShip = new myShip;

The codes should look like this...

Filename : AS307.as

package {
import flash.display.*;

public class AS307 extends MovieClip{

public function AS307(){
var clownShip:myShip = new myShip(stage.stageWidth/2,stage.stageHeight - 40);

We are actually passing the start x and y coordinates for the myShip. Now run the test movie. The clownShip should appear at middle bottom. My my… this is turning out to be a long winded tutorial.

Next we will need to create an event listener for keyboard and how it communicates with the clownShip. The event listener should be placed at the AS307.as file while the actually code to move the ship should be placed in the myShip.as file. Why? It’s the OOP way so stop asking… We should err… encompass… err… cover all myShip related functions within the myShip class itself. Whatever that sound like… yeah that’s it. So in the AS307.as, let us put in…

var leftdown,rightdown:Boolean = false;

…in the main public class. Wait.. I think I skipped a part. What is with the public.. public stuffs? Simple… there are only 2 popular ones… public and private. It’s like err… taxi and a normal car. In the taxi (Public transport) you can hop in and start asking and directing the taxi anywhere while in the private car, you can’t do that unless you are somehow related to the driver. Same goes here in AS3, public functions / methods / variables… are accessible by all… meaning declaring the leftdown and rightdown as public will enable other classes to access to it. If this sounds confusing, it’s time for your another best friend… google.  hehe… for more information. Anyway lets get back…

You need to put the event listerners to run whenever the class initializes / started so it should be in the constructor Constructicons merged to form Devastator.. muahahaha and kill those puny Autobots… like this…

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, listenKeyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, listenKeyUp);

Also note that those pesky listeners calls ‘listenKeyDown’ and ‘listenKeyUp’ functions. Lets code those functions…

public function listenKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent)
if (event.keyCode == 37) { //Left arrow
leftdown = true;
if (event.keyCode == 39) { //Right arrow
rightdown = true;

public function listenKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent)
if (event.keyCode == 37) { //Left arrow
leftdown = false;
if (event.keyCode == 39) { //Right arrow
rightdown = false;

It you notice carefully, these are the same codes we coded from the previous tutorials, we are only rearranging them in classes. Try to run the test movie. You will get an error! Why? Because unlike the codes we put in the timeline, we need to import the flash.events.*, so that the event listerner, keyboard events and other events related stuffs can work.

The AS307.as file should look like this…

Filename : AS307.as

package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;

public class AS307 extends MovieClip{

var leftdown,rightdown:Boolean = false;

public function AS307(){

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, listenKeyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, listenKeyUp);

var clownShip:myShip = new myShip(stage.stageWidth/2,stage.stageHeight - 40);

public function listenKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent)
if (event.keyCode == 37) { //Left arrow
leftdown = true;
if (event.keyCode == 39) { //Right arrow
rightdown = true;

public function listenKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent)
if (event.keyCode == 37) { //Left arrow
leftdown = false;
if (event.keyCode == 39) { //Right arrow
rightdown = false;


Now that we are done for AS307.as, we move on to myShip.as. As we are going to add event listerners and use timer objects for the movement, we need to import…

import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

.. add an event listerner (oh man this tutorial is getting lengthy…) and the function called by the event listener.

The whole file should look like this…

Filename : myShip.as

import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

public class myShip extends MovieClip{
private var timeVal:int;

public function myShip(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

public function moveClownShip(event:Event) {
var speed:Number = 110.0;
var timeDiff:int = getTimer()-timeVal;
timeVal += timeDiff;

if (MovieClip(parent).leftdown == true){
this.x -= speed*timeDiff/1000;

if (MovieClip(parent).rightdown == true){
this.x += speed*timeDiff/1000;

Run the finish product. You should get exactly what you got when you program it in the timeline in the previous tutorial. The only difference here is the codes are now in classes instead of timeline. It requires a bit more work but the result is exactly the same what good is this anyway I just wasted my time…?err … I guess that pretty much intro you to classes. Try to take a look see and reread this again and again a few times until you get the picture /connection to the karma which holds the tsunami tank together… damn Red Alert 3. In the next tutorial we are going to make the clownShip spit I mean shot bullets upward. These are going to be in classes of course.

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